Tomato, Avocado and Black Bean Green Salad Recipe | Herbal Goodness

Salads have to be one of the greatest ever inventions in the history of food. A salad is a light dish you can eat just about every day without getting bored to tears. And in the slim chance, you feel it getting blah, you can always switch to something entirely different, giving you that epic “It’s like I never had this before, I swear!” feeling.

It’s true that most of us can be accused of getting in a salad rut, favoring one combo without much variation. Whatever your reasons may be, there’s no harm in eating salad every day of your life. But seriously, life is too short to settle on any one recipe for weeks, let alone months! There are way too many interesting ingredients, and dressings, and toppings begging for you to try them out.

If you feel like you’ve been stuck with the same leafy greens for what seems like an eternity, time to cast that lettuce aside and try something new.

Green leafy vegetable salad

Like avocado with black beans and fresh tomatoes. This is a perfect way to introduce avocado salad in your life if you have never tried this type of salad before.

It is simple yet hearty at the same time and makes for a great nutritious choice for a side dish or a filling meal. Either way, you can be guaranteed a salad bursting with flavor and natural goodness; a salad you will be bingeing on for the next, uh, several months (it’s allowed!).

The recipe itself is pure fun. Hard to beat.

So then, how do you go about putting it together?


  • 1 can black beans (about 15 ounces), rinsed & drained.
  • 3 large avocados (or 2 depending on your fondness for the fruit); diced.
  • 4 tomatoes, diced (grape tomatoes are always best for salads for their natural sweetness but Roma tomatoes are a great alternative).

Grape tomatoes best for salads but Roma variety great alternative

  • 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced.
  • 3/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped (or less depending on your preference).
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice (keeps the avocado from turning brown while adding a little pizzazz to the salad).
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (for the dressing).
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) and pepper.


Take your chief ingredients – black beans, avocado, and tomatoes – and mix them with the onion and cilantro in a large bowl. Drizzle the lemon juice and olive oil on top, then mix until the salad is well combined and evenly coated.

Season with salt and add a dash of pepper. Toss the salad gently, and serve. If you prefer, you can allow sitting in the fridge until cold.

Last Word

Nice and easy, see? No intricacies involved. No left or right turns. Just a perfect blend of avocado and a few other nutritious elements. This is a recipe that will yield some of the best avocado salad you will ever have.

And the best thing about it? You can have it daily without any smidge of guilt!

Avocado is one of the most nutritious fruits to include in your daily diet. It’s packed with antioxidants, fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids (the good kind) with an endless list of health benefits. And it comes with the added bonus of adding the ingredients as to your own liking.

Talk about customizing a recipe to your tastes!

Related: Make Fruit Salad Great Again: 4 Easy Papaya Salad Recipes