6 Quick Papaya (or Graviola) Breakfast Smoothies | Herbal Goodness
There is a reason breakfast is dubbed the most important meal of the day. A balanced, nutritious breakfast will ignite your body systems in a healthy, natural way and set the stage for the rest of your day.
Thanks to their multiple nutrients, fruit-based breakfast smoothies will help you get more done and keep pace as the demands of the day get tougher.
Breakfast smoothies are perfect for those of us who are loathe to eat something heavy in the morning, and another good thing about them is you don’t need to go out of your way to prepare.
Assuming you have all the ingredients you need beforehand, preparing a papaya or graviola smoothie is a cinch.
Here are 6 quick papaya and graviola breakfast smoothies that will change your mornings for good.
Suggested Read: Roasted Papaya with Coconut Sugar Recipe
Papaya Banana Smoothie
As far as healthy breakfast smoothies go, you can’t do better than a papaya banana smoothie. This is one of the best fruit combos you can have any time of day, double so in the mornings.
Bananas are a rich source of potassium which provides the natural energy you need to go about the early hours of the day. It also regulates the body’s sodium levels and helps reduce high blood pressure.
Papaya, for its part, is a vitamin powerhouse that will provide you with the recommended daily intake of vitamins C, A, E, and K.
Both papaya and bananas also contain vitamin B6 which stimulates production of the two feel-good hormones, dopamine and serotonin, ensuring you start your day off on a high.
Bring these two together and your mornings promise to never be the same again.
Papaya Avocado Smoothie
A marriage between papaya and avocado doesn’t sound the most harmonious but trust us, this is a delicious drink that is super easy to make.
The taste aside, a papaya avocado breakfast smoothie packs a punch in terms of nutrients – vitamins A, C, E, K, and the Bs are all present; so is folic acid, flavonoids, antioxidants and a rich dose of fiber.
While papaya contains more vitamin C compared to oranges, pound for pound, avocado is the best source of mono-unsaturated fats.
To prepare for one, take one small papaya and half avocado (or a full one depending on how you like it), and blend together. This is an extra thick smoothie so feel free to add a little water to lighten it up (or milk if you prefer).
Papaya-Banana-Avocado-Apple Smoothie
What is better than a papaya-banana smoothie or papaya-avocado smoothie?
You guessed it – a papaya-banana-avocado smoothie, with a twist of apple.
If smoothies were awarded Oscars, this combo would have scooped numerous of them. So energizing is it that this blend is not just a great choice for breakfast smoothies, but also a perfect candidate for pre- or post-workouts.
A papaya smoothie infused with banana, avocado, and apple will replenish you in the morning and keep you going for hours.
And if papaya, banana, and avocado haven’t enough fiber already, apples are loaded with it and will keep you full for hours on end.
In a good way.
Papaya Berry Smoothie
Berries are a perfect way to start your mornings. They are packed with antioxidants, rich in vitamin C and low in saturated fats.
A papaya berry smoothie may sound light (of which it is on the stomach) but it keeps you satiated for hours, a fact that can be attributed to the high fiber content in berries.
This breakfast smoothie needs one ripe papaya (or slightly ripe if you need more protein-digesting enzymes); one cup (250 ml) filled with blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries; one ripe banana; and 5 ml almond nut butter.
Throw all your ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. If you prefer your smoothie thinner, add a little bit of water.
Suggested Read: How to Eat Papaya in 4 Simple Ways
Mango Graviola Smoothie
Just like papaya, Graviola (aka soursop) is a versatile fruit that marries nicely with others.
And one of the best unions can be found in Graviola and mango. These two are like twin flames, and the result is as nutritious as it is refreshing.
To prepare, you need 1/4 fresh mango, 4 ounces frozen Graviola pulp, and 3/4 cup water. Process together in a blender until smooth. If you want the smoothie richer, consider adding some cottage cheese (say 1/2 a cup).
A great way to kickstart your day, this tropical fusion perfectly balances sweetness and a silky texture, and it won’t be long before it becomes your go-to favorite.
Graviola Ginger Lime Smoothie
Rounding off our list of best breakfast smoothies is a recipe that combines the unique taste of Graviola with something a little sharper: spicy ginger and zesty lime.
This is the perfect smoothie for anyone looking to detox.
Plus, if that green smoothie is not doing you justice in terms of weight loss, the Graviola ginger-lime combo is just what the nutritionist ordered.
To prepare, you need one ripe Graviola fruit; one tsp. grated ginger; one lime juiced; three cups water (or hemp/almond milk); and one tbsp. organic vanilla extract.
Blend the Graviola while adding your liquid of choice (milk, almond or hemp milk). Next, add the ginger, lime juice, and vanilla and then blend some more.
That’s it.