The Health Benefits of Pineapple and Pawpaw | Herbal Goodness

At Herbal Goodness we are going to share super fruits with you that offer loads of benefits, including papaya health benefits. Our women-owned health foods company specializes in papaya, one of the super fruits that offers high levels of vitamin C, fiber, and minerals. Like pawpaw, papaya can be eaten raw. 

Both offer a sweet taste, although the papaya fruit, is usually sweeter than pawpaw. Blend a mix of papaya and pineapple and you have a tasty beverage or fruit dish. You can also blend pineapple and pawpaw, a fruit grown in temperate  areas like North America on trees that grow up to about 7 feet tall. 

About Pineapple and Papaya

With pineapple and pawpaw, you can also enjoy the health benefits of pineapple juice. Both papaya and pawpaw have a flesh middle that's filled with soft fruit and seeds. Therefore, before you mix papaya and pineapple or pawpaw and pineapple, make sure that you scoop the seeds out. 

Another difference between pawpaw and papaya is that pawpaw is a little larger than papaya. In fact, pawpaw is the largest native fruit that you can eat in the United States.1 Also, pawpaw is round while papaya is shaped more like a long football. Pawpaw is also more yellow than papaya, which is more reddish-orange on the inside. 

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, with pawpaw you get vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, amino acids, iron, niacin, and zinc. In fact, pawpaw has about three times more vitamin C than you'd find in an apple. It also has 20 or more times the iron found in an apple, orange or banana. Add in the vitamins of pineapple and you can see the benefits of pawpaw. 

Health Benefits Of Pineapple And Pawpaw

Papaya is also a great source of vitamin C. Our Herbal Goodness Papaya Seed Powder and dried bulk Papaya Leaves offer you a good daily intake of vitamin C. But, that's not all. Other vitamins and minerals in papaya are vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, folate, and fiber.2 Also, unlike pawpaw, papaya can stay fresh longer without having to be refrigerated. Because papaya is a larger super fruit, single papaya can serve you longer than one pawpaw. 

Here are the health benefits of pineapple juice, the delicious super fruit papaya, and the benefits of pineapple and pawpaw. Keep in mind that you'll be getting the vitamins and minerals in the fruit in addition to these benefits: 

  • Healthy Weight - Fiber and antioxidants in papaya and pawpaw can help you maintain healthy weight.
  • Improved Immunity - Papaya vitamin C and iron provide immune system support. Blend either fruit with pineapple as a juice or fruit smoothie and you can boost pineapple health benefits, especially as it regards immunity.
  • Better Function Digestive System - It's no secret that magnesium aids in digestion. To get these papaya and pineapple core benefits, try Herbal Goodness Green Papaya Powder Capsules, Papaya Leaf Extract, or Papaya Leaf Tea.
  • Abdominal Relief - Because benefits of pineapple, papaya, and benefits of pawpaw support healthy digestion, adding these fruits to your diet can help relieve abdominal pain or discomfort.
  • Less Tooth Pain - Papaya may boost immune functions that can help alleviate tooth pain. 

Considering how delicious tasting papaya, pineapple, and pawpaw are, it's easy to add these fruits to a diet. But, papaya and pineapple health benefits also are good for the skin. 

Papaya and Pineapple Juice for Skin

If you're looking for healthier skin, of all the benefits of drinking pineapple juice with papaya, you may most appreciate that this fruit blend helps reduce acne. In fact, papaya vitamin C levels alone can be effective at reducing acne. 

Whether you eat papaya after you remove the seeds or drink a cup of Herbal Goodness Papaya Leaf Tea, you may enjoy clearer skin. As with other super fruits, you may have to eat or drink papaya for six to eight weeks before you see papaya benefits on your skin. 

Furthermore, antioxidants in papaya may help reduce wrinkles, free radicals, and sagging skin. Once you start using Herbal Goodness Papaya non-GMO, fully organic products, pay attention to how you feel and how your skin looks. See if you don't notice a welcomed difference. 

Fortunately, Herbal Goodness has a variety of papaya 100% organic health food products that you could add to pineapple. You can also use Herbal Goodness Papaya Leaf Liquid Extract as part of your morning vitamin routine. 

papaya leaveas herbal goodness

At Herbal Goodness, we only offer products that support a healthy lifestyle. Our products also are environmentally safe because we work with sustainable family-friendly non-GMO farms. We never compromise our standards and all of our products are manufactured in the United States in a Food and Drug Administration inspected facility. Click here to shop for organic papaya products. 


  1. Kentucky State University. Pawpaw Description And Nutritional Information. Accessed May 8, 2020.
  2. The Coconut TV. Health Benefits of Papaya/Pawpaw. Accessed May 8, 2020.

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