The Best Hearty Drinks to Keep You Warm this Winter | Herbal Goodness

As we get closer to winter and temperatures continue to drop, they want for hearty drinks, soups, and warm sweaters to become a daily occurrence. A lot of warm comfort drinks you’ll come across during the holidays are sweet, sugary, alcoholic, and not all that great for you. 

Because of this, we want to show you the healthier options out there for a hearty drink in the colder months, just when you need one. It shouldn’t just be about hot toddies and mulled wine this season, although those are delicious once in a while too! 

Hot Water and Lemon

Starting your morning with lemon water every day is one of the best things you can do for your digestion. In the fall and winter, make it hot water to warm you up on those cold mornings or nights. Even better, add in some ginger to make it an intoxicating combination of flavors and a great boost for your immunity. There’s nothing better than a hot lemon ginger water when you’re feeling crummy or just a little too cold. 

Herbal Goodness Teas 

We pride ourselves on our delicious and healthy tea line at Herbal Papaya. Our Papaya Leaf Teas help with digestion (for those heavy winter meals) and boost immunity (to help stave off those winter sniffles). We especially recommend our Rooibos Chai Papaya Leaf Tea for a spicy and tasty way to warm you up in the colder months, although our Original Papaya Leaf Tea is great too. 

And as an added bonus, our sister company - Herbal Graviola - is planning on releasing its much anticipated Graviola Leaf Teas this December too! The Herbal Graviola line of teas includes pure, mango (infused with green tea), and Rooibos Chai. Clearly, there are plenty of reasons to drink tea this cold season!

Apple Cider & Cinnamon

One of the easiest drinks to put together, hot apple cider and cinnamon is a classic choice that just never gets old. Apple cider is a source of vitamin C and iron and another great choice for a boost in immunity. In addition, cinnamon promotes good digestion and maintains blood sugar levels. 

Tea Latte 

If you want to change up your usual favorite tea drink with something a bit creamy and hearty, make it into a latte! Black teas, such as English Breakfast, are a popular choice for tea lattes, but you can really use any tea. We love using green tea and if you’d rather not have caffeine you can always go herbal

Suggested Read:  Tea Fact of The Day

Turmeric Milk 

Turmeric has a great many benefits for your body. Its strongest feature is its concentration of curcumin that’s great for those creaky bones in the winter. Other benefits include a boost in antioxidants, improved brain function, and a plethora of other great things. 

Related: Moringa Leaves Benefits and Effects 

Mix up a standard spoonful of turmeric by making it with almond and/or coconut milk, ginger, cinnamon, peppercorn, cayenne, nutmeg, and vanilla extract. You’ll have one of the smoothest, healthiest, and delicious drinks of the season to share with your friends.

Suggested for you:

I The Importance of Vitamin D in Winter 

II How to de-stress around the holidays

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Tea Strainers - Premium - Durable & Easy to Clean - Herbal Goodness

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