Aging Gracefully: 7 Foods that Slow the Aging Process | Herbal Goodness

Aging gracefully isn't only front of mind for mid-lifers. In fact, a study revealed that Americans as young as 30 years old think about getting older and choices that they can make now to improve their lives when they reach retirement years. Even more, survey responses revealed that, to age well, people wanted a strong memory, access to good healthcare, transportation and affordable housing.1  Another resource that people wanted to slow down aging or improve their latter years was access to healthy food. 

About Aging Gracefully

Fortunately, for today's generation, there is Herbal Goodness, a woman owned and woman led health food company that sources and manufactures the best quality herbal and super fruit products. Herbal Goodness may be among the select few companies that actually visits the farms that its health products are grown on. Yet, it's what Herbal Goodness manufacturers in its FDA inspected facility that may help with the slow aging process. 

But, first let's take a look at habits and foods that could be the culprit if you're not aging well. Then, we'll share tips on steps that you could take to slow down aging, including eating foods that help prevent wrinkles. To begin, if you want a more youthful appearance, avoid wearing too much makeup. It may sound abrupt. But, wearing too much makeup can have a downside. 

Slow Aging Process

That shared, it sure is tempting to run to makeup, choosing it as a way to show that you're not getting wrinkles or sagging skins just below your eyes. Yet, excessive makeup can make you look that much older when you remove the makeup. For example, powder in makeup can make your skin look ashy, especially if you have dry skin. Other things to avoid if you're not aging well include: 

  • Worrying or engaging in negative thinking
  • Staying outdoors in the sun too long2
  • Smoking
  • Taking in too much salt 

Those are the choices to avoid if you want to slow down aging. In fact, not worrying or stressing could improve your overall health, help you to look younger and strengthen relationships. But, we're not going to stop at what you shouldn't do. What fun is that? 

Foods That Help Prevent Wrinkles

So, check out these foods that may help prevent wrinkles. And, pay attention to these super foods, including non-GMO, natural herbs and fruits, that may help with the slow aging process3

  • Tomatoes
  • Green Tea
  • Honey
  • Nuts
  • Guayusa
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Watermelon
  • Guava
  • Oranges
  • Pomegranate Seeds
  • Turmeric
  • Broccoli
  • Papaya
  • Graviola 

It's the antioxidants in some of these foods that may help prevent wrinkles. After all, it's no secret that aging gracefully and antioxidants go well together. Herbal Goodness' Papaya seed extracts, leaf, powders and teas are farmed and produced with antioxidants. It's a natural plus that comes with the food that some all "fruit of the angels".  And, Herbal Goodness' Guava and Guayusa products support skin and hair, two features that can definitely help you to look young longer. 

Aging Gracefully With Natural Food

Yet, antioxidants aren't the only ingredient in natural food that can slow down aging process. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids may also slow down aging. Of course, fish (namely salmon), spinach, sardines, flax seeds, cod liver oil and oysters are good omega-3 foods. 

Here are several foods that have Vitamin A, Vitamin C and/or Vitamin D. Leading the list are guava, papaya, graviola and guauyusa. Next, there's sweet red pepper, thyme, black currants, squash, eggs, carrots, egg yolks, soy milk and kale. This list is a start for foods that you could add to your diet if you're considering aging gracefully, including having more supple skin and thicker, healthier hair and nails. 

At first glance, it may seem difficult to get your hands on these natural foods, all except for the food that you see at the general grocery store. Fortunately, you could go to specialty food stores. Perhaps best of all, you can order Papaya, Guava, Guayusa and Graviola leaf, extract, powders and teas from Herbal Goodness. 

Related: 3 Herbs That May Support Healthy Blood Pressure | Herbal Goodness


  1. KPBS. New Study Reveals Americans' Fears About Aging. Published March 22, 2017. Accessed April 2, 2020.
  2. Huffington Post. Want To Age Gracefully? Avoid These 7 Things. Published January 7, 2014. Accessed April 2, 2020.
  3. Redbook. 30 Anti-Aging Foods For Women That'll Keep You Feeling Young. Perri Blumberg. Published October 18, 2018. Accessed April 2, 2020.
  4. Memory and Cognition Liquid Extract - Mental Boost - Herbal Goodness
  5. Balance Boss Plus - Liquid - Happy Mood Support - Herbal Goodness
  6. Beauty Sleep - Liquid Extract - Supports Relaxation - Herbal Goodness
  7. Bring it on Baby! 2fl.oz - Strengthen Immune System - Herbal Goodness
  8. Metabolism and Catabolism Liquid Extract - Metabolism boost - Herbal Goodness
  9. Brain and Focus Liquid Extract - Brain Health - Herbal Goodness