Matcha And Yoga: Practicing Wellness | Herbal Goodness

The world is constantly crawling with trends and social hits, Yoga and drinking Matcha did not escape that onslaught. It isn't uncommon to see Yoga instructions online or classes being held in schools, courses, field workshops, and in public parks during the weekend, some even featuring celebrity instructors. Finding yoga gear and equipment is so easy as well and several forms exist. The same can be said for matcha, they are everywhere and now part of the fitness world. Attracting interest among various circles, quickly spreading across cafes and stores. 

However, Matcha green tea and Yoga aren’t just trends to pick up and drop over time, no, they have rich health benefits and historical backgrounds. They also complement each other perfectly. Think about the relaxing benefits of yoga and the calming effects of drinking matcha. While many people think that yoga is only a physical exercise, it is also a form of meditation that is proven to help in bringing out inner peace. Drinking a cup of matcha before a yoga session will further enhance the efficiency of the session like nothing else. Talk about an overload of centredness!

Brief History

The term ‘yoga’ relates to the whole system of Indian philosophy dealing with the mind-body connection. Its oldest traces have been found in the Indus Valley and are dated 2300-1500 B.C. Types of yoga, based on body positions (asanas), breath control, and cleansing techniques, like Hatha, vinyasa, or ashtanga, are popular these days in the West, but they started gaining attention as late as in the mid 19th century.

Green tea appeared in Japan at the end of the 12th century. It came from China along with Buddhist monks for whom it has been an inseparable part of Zen. At one point it began to be used in powdered form and that’s when the tea ceremony – chadō (meaning ‘the way of tea’) was born. Matcha helped monks to be more alert and enabled them to find peace of mind – those elements are crucial when it comes both to meditation and to its unusual form: the tea ceremony.¹

The Match Between Yoga and Matcha

The components in Matcha work synergistically with the small amount of caffeine it contains to reduce physiological and psychological tensions. Matcha is rich in the amino acid L-Theanine. It boosts alpha brain waves to promote a more alert state of relaxation, which keeps you calm, focused and energized for hours. L-Theanine enhances yoga and meditation because it creates an effect similar to that which meditation itself can produce – calming the nervous system (rather than over-stimulating it, like caffeine does) and regulating our blood sugar levels. Unlike coffee, matcha provides a less jittery pick-me-up. This is due to matcha’s high concentration of flavonoids and L-theanine, which increases the brain’s alpha frequency band and produces relaxing effects by raising serotonin, and dopamine levels.² Compared to coffee, matcha, which needs up to six hours to get absorbed, offers some calm sense of awareness and alertness and charges our stamina. This combination makes matcha an ideal partner for yoga. Yoga is a sport that requires physical fitness, as well as, it is a practice of meditation in which concentration and mindfulness are essential. Yoga and matcha are perfect – they complement each other and reinforce their unique effects.¹

5 Health Benefits of Combining Matcha and Yoga 

  • Energizes and reinvigorates: In addition to L-theanine, matcha naturally contains caffeine. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine, together, has been shown to increase alertness and reduce tiredness. Yoga as well is known to boost the tone of muscles as well as energy and self-esteem. A combination of both means you can get a natural source of energy without the jitters and crash afterward that coffee drinkers might experience. 
  • Improves focus and relaxes muscles: Yoga poses help you be grounded and present in what you are doing while matcha contains several antioxidants that help improve brain health and focus. A combination of yoga and matcha helps to also improve muscle flexibility and concentration helping us stay focused all day and feeling agile.
  • Has a calming and relaxing effect: Yoga poses help with calming and centering us. In focusing on these poses, we diminish extensive worry in both our brains and bodies. Even though matcha contains caffeine, it is different from caffeine found in coffee. Rather than giving you that feeling of restlessness, matcha gives you a feeling of alertness with calm, it’s an energizing calmness that makes you feel extremely relaxed. Yoga aims to relax your body and mind too – combine the two and you get an extraordinary feeling of tranquillity.³
  • Maintain Healthy weight: We might say that with our work schedule, it is incredibly hard to find time to do yoga and sip on matcha but there are brilliant approaches to sneak yoga into your day-by-day schedule. It could be basic stretches at regular intervals and standing up on occasion while working. Packing a meal with matcha on the side as your go-to drink is a great switch from sodas and sugary drinks. Matcha contains zero calories and is great for healthy weight support. Combined with a few yoga poses, maintaining a healthy weight shouldn’t be a problem.
  • Improved Flexibility: Most yoga poses help to enhance the fluidity of our movements as well as loosen up and lubricate stiff joints. Matcha contains antioxidants and ingredients that are great for bone support and movement. A combination of both Yoga and Matcha is not just great for inner peace but also awesome for better posture and even more fluid movements.

Including Yoga and drinking Matcha into our daily routine is a wise health move. Statistics show that lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet are some of the biggest causes of health complications in later years in the average American. Herbal Goodness Matcha Green Tea Powder has a high amount of caffeine and antioxidants. These antioxidants promote the stabilization of free radicals thereby improving cell life. Caffeine is a great source of energy making this tea a great source of energy and vitality. When combined with a healthy diet, this organic Matcha green tea can promote heart health and general well-being. The vibrant green color of matcha along with its slightly sweet flavor and smooth finish make a refreshing cup of tea!

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  1. Yoga and Matcha; A good match. Accessed on August 15, 2021.
  2. Accessed on July 08, 2018.
  3. Accessed on November 23, 2020