Traditional and Historical Uses of Papaya Seed | Herbal Goodness
How the Papaya Seed Has Been Used For Centuries
Papaya was first described by the Spanish writer Oviedo in 1526 from the Caribbean coast of Panama and Colombia. Soon after it was grown throughout the tropics, its distribution being aided by the abundance of its seeds.
The Papaya seed can last up to three years if it is kept cool and dry. If the plant is kept healthy it can produce up to 20 years.
Before Europeans discovered this amazing herb, it was long used in Central America and parts of South America as a source of food and traditional indigenous herbalism.
The uses of papaya seeds have been known far and wide. It has even been said that the Ancient Mayans worshipped the tree and called it the "tree of life".
Christopher Columbus, the explorer, was even said to have tried it and became one of his favorite fruits. It is rumored that in Ancient Mayan times the herb was used for all kinds of stomach complaints.
Today it's hard to find non-GMO organic papayas at the market. The quality of papaya seeds is extremely important for potency, taste, and purity. When choosing your papaya seed, whether for cooking, culinary uses, or for an addition to your smoothie remember to always look for organic or non-GMO sources.
Click here to get Herbal Goodness Papaya Products
If you can't find organic or non-GMO certified make sure to call the farmer or source to see if they harvest from GMO or Non-GMO plants. The uses of papaya seed are many but papaya seed should no be used at a high dose without the guidance of an herbalist and no longer than 6 weeks unless directed by a physician.
The information in this article is for educational purposes only and not intended to treat or diagnose.
One of the uses of papaya seed that we love is making your own papaya seed dressing. Find the recipe here. Here is a really great smoothie recipe to add your papaya seed too.
If you would like to learn about the health benefits of papaya seed, get a FREE copy of this PDF
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