Non-GMO Month, What You Can Do! | Herbal Goodness

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  She won a two month supply of Herbal Goodness Products ... Look out for this month's promotion! 


October Is Non-GMO Month

Herbal Goodness is committed to being Non-GMO and is under the process of certification with the Non-GMO Project. We would like to dedicate this month's newsletter to "GMO Awareness". So, Kids are back in school.  Vacations are done until the holidays. Thanksgiving is far enough away that no one if freaking out about it yet. 

In fact there are no holidays until the 31st. October might be the non-holidayest month there is. And in comes Non-GMO Month.

It was created by the Non GMO Project in 2010 as a platform for raising awareness on the GMO issue. People across the country are waking up to the issues associated with GMO foods, and discovering the risks GMOs pose to our health, our families, and our planet.

GROW started labeling all existing items in the store with a GMO Alert and pledged to no longer bring in any item that cannot confirm its GMO cleanliness. There are lots of ways for you to get involved. Here are some ways you can make a difference and fight GMOs!

10 Things YOU Can Do To Stop GMOs

1. Join us in promoting to your state to Know about the GMO labeling campaign in your area.
2. Tell your legislators, family and friends that you want the right to know what’s in your food.
3. Let your grocery manager know that you want them to support labeling and GMO education. Ask what Non-GMO items they have.
4. Eat fresh! While some produce is genetically engineered, most GMOs will be found in processed foods containing soy, corn, canola oil, non-cane sugars and cottonseed oil. Eat more fresh vegetables and whole, include healthy organic supplements to your diet. Your body will thank you and you will avoid direct exposure to most genetically engineered foods.
5. Avoid the five products that are most likely to be genetically engineered (GE) – unless they state that they are not made with genetically engineered ingredients, have a verifiable claim such as Non-GMO Project Verified, or they are USDA certified organic: Corn, Soy, Canola, Cotton, and Sugar made from beets (sugar from cane is NOT GE).
6. Look for the USDA Organic seal and buy organic – The National Organic Standards prohibit the intentional use of genetically engineered foods.
7. Download the Non-GMO Shopping Guide from the Institute for Responsible Technology and the Non-GMO Project for a list of brands with products that claim to be made without genetic engineering (also available via mobile app). Go also to the Non-GMO Project website for more information:
8. Comment!  It takes 30 seconds to tell the FDA that you have the right to know what’s in your food.
9. When in doubt, ask!  Contact the manufacturers of your favorite foods and ask if they contain genetically engineered products.  Get the information you need and you can let the company know how you feel about GE foods. Ask them to join the Non-GMO Project.
10. Share on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest!!!

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