Healthy Underarm Care | Herbal Goodness

Are you not happy with the "organic" and "natural" brands of underarm deodorants and want a healthier underarm care solution? I sure wasn't happy with mine.

A few years ago I decided that the ingredients in these natural brands were something I could purchase myself at a lower cost.

What you will need: aluminum free baking soda, clear natural aloe vera gel (without preservatives if possible), a large parmesan cheese shaker or empty salt shaker (usual glass).

Total cost: Around $11-17 (and will last you from 6-12 months. Natural and organic deodorants range from $3.59-13.99 and typically don't last 6-12 months. You can spend less if you don't get brand new shakers (if you have this at home already). This healthier underarm care solution is good for you and for your wallet!

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Okay, so how do I use this healthy underarm care program?

1. The first step to a healthier underarm care solution put baking soda 3/4 full into the shaker. Make sure aloe vera is open and ready to squirt.

2. Slightly wet your hands and shake (they should be "damp" hands).

3. Slowly and carefully shake 1/4-1/2 tsp on your left hand. Spread the shake out!

4. Rub both hands together.

5. Optional: add a pea size or less of aloe vera gel if you have sensitive skin or an alkaline burn reaction to your skin.

6. Rub under both underarms until coated and make sure it's rubbed in enough to not show "white". If white marks are showing up you used TOO MUCH baking soda.

7. Rinse hands under water and dry hands. Your underarms will dry and voila!

Cheap deodorant! You will get better and better as you do this daily. I do not have body odor with this method and have no health issues or rashes. The baking soda makes that part of your skin "alkaline."

If you want to get "fancy" you can add a few drops of lavender or your favorite essential oil to your aloe vera gel or the baking soda shaker. Oils that have an antiseptic quality are tea tree oil, coconut oil, lavender, oregano, and lemon. If you at all get a "burn" remember to add more aloe vera gel and less baking soda. Try for three days this way to see if the rash goes away. Yay, you are on your way to healthy underarm care!

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Healthy Underarm Care | Herbal Goodness