Black Cumin Seed: Oil, Extract and Benefits | Herbal Goodness

People have been using the best black seed oil as well as black cumin seeds for thousands of years. Additionally, the best black seed is mentioned in the Bible and referred to as ketzah in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 28. The type of black seed mentioned in the Bible is cumin seed. Those scriptures talk about planting and sowing the seeds. Black cumin is derived from Nigella sativa. The plant grows to about an inch. It's the seeds inside the fruit grown on this plant that are used to make oil and extracts, including the oil and extracts in Herbal Goodness' black cumin seed capsules and black cumin seed liquid extracts.

Best Black Cumin Seed History and Uses

Native to Egypt and also grown and used in India, southwest Asia and the Middle East, best black cumin seed has been referred to as "blessed seed". Other names that the seeds have been called include kalonji, black caraway, nigella and kalanji. Additionally, black cumin seed is reported to have been found in King Tut's tomb.1 During those early years, black cumin seeds were eaten plain or pressed into oil. Even more, the seeds were eaten despite their strong, bitter taste. 

And, it may be this tradition that hints at the benefits that people living centuries ago sought from the best black seed oil. This is also a reason why Herbal Goodness sources, manufactures and offers black cumin seed extract capsules and black cumin seed liquid extract to you. Among the benefits associated with black seed, there's support to maintain skin vitality and less reaction to plants and flowers during warmer months. As with many natural or plant-based resources, best black cumin seed has been used by indigenous people to relieve discomfort and support the reduction of common respiratory issues. Black cumin seed has also been used to keep mold, yeasts and fungi away from buildings. It's these additional benefits that make black seed oil a multi-purpose oil. 

Because of its multi-purpose uses, it is not a surprise that black cumin seed has been used by so many people across centuries. If you're looking for another way to get  more from black seed, consider that some women use black seed oil to support hair and nail maintenance. In fact, you may have used or seen beauty products that are made with black seed, including black cumin seed. For example, you may have used beauty products that deal with dark spots and loose skin in cream form and not known that the products have black seed in them.

How To Use Black Cumin Seed Extract

When used in beauty products, best black cumin seed can be found in creams, oils and hydrating serums. As it regards how to use these products, you generally rub them on the skin area that you want to see change. For example, you could rub black seed oil on areas of skin that are uneven. Another way to use best black seed is to  rub it in your hair to maintain good hydration.2 

These next ways to use black seed might surprise you. Black cumin seeds and black seeds can be used to cook with. That's right. In fact, you can add black cumin seeds or black cumin extract, like the seeds and extract offered by Herbal Goodness, to spice up curry, especially if you add ingredients like oregano and hot peppers to the dish.3 If taken as a supplement, black cumin seeds can be used to help maintain intake and outtake balance while breathing. While being used in supplement form, black cumin seeds have also been used to support the maintenance of blood sugar. 

Because the best black cumin seed is so strong, if you add the extract to a tea, you may want to add honey to dilute the best black cumin seed taste. Adding honey to black seed is one of the ways that people in the Middle East drink or dine with the seeds. However, if you do add black seed oil to a tea just know that there may be a residue of the oil on the cup for a few more servings. You also might not get the full effects of black cumin seed extract if you add it to tea. 

Another culinary consideration is to add black cumin seed extract to vegetables. If you dry roast the seeds, you can also add them to meat like poultry and to salads and breads. As with any new extract or supplement that you add to your diet, check with your physician to see if the best black cumin seeds will offer you the benefits that you're seeking. 

Where To Find Black Seed

black seed capsules herbal goodness

The best cumin black seed oil may help maintain healthy mobility, stomach function and blood support. Two ways to get the best black cumin seed is in oil or in seed form. Either way that you digest black seed, you'll probably notice the strong taste in the seeds or extract. You also might find that the extract has a stronger taste than the raw seeds. Herbal Goodness offers black seed liquid extract and black cumin seed extracts. Both are made to offer joint support. They also offer immune and respiratory support. 

At Herbal Goodness, a woman founded and managed health goods company, you can get black seed in 1 ounce or 12 ounce bottles. Both are organic. A difference between the 1 ounce bottle and the 12 ounce bottle is that the larger bottle is served using a tablespoon. On the other hand, with the 1 ounce bottle, you can get black cumin seed by simply taking a single eye droplet of the supplement. 

Another feature that you might like about Herbal Goodness is that it's possible to get both bottles in a 12 bottle case. This option makes it easy to stock up on black seed without having to order a new bottle once a week or once a month. As with other Herbal Goodness products, the black cumin seed is organic and free of GMOs.

Keeping social good as a priority, in addition to adhering to a clean manufacturing process, Herbal Goodness supports farmers it partners with by engaging in free trade practices. Herbal Goodness also demonstrates its belief in the value of a good education by offering scholarships to its farmers and their children. 

The WAAW Foundation is a hallmark organization that Herbal Goodness supports. Headquartered in Nigeria, the WAAW Foundation offers educational and career networking opportunities for girls and women in Africa. Additionally, the WAAW Foundation offers STEM training to its participants. In fact, there are WAAW Foundation graduates who have been employed at Herbal Goodness, yet another way that the organization supports women, personal growth and education. Click here to get Herbal Goodness Black Cumin Seed and Black Cumin Seed Liquid Extract today. 

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  1. Taste for Life. Jane Eklund. The History and Uses of Black Seed Oil. Accessed October 1, 2020.
  2. Healthline. Rachel Nall. The Health and Beauty Benefits of Black Seed Oil. Updated March 7, 2019. Accessed September 30, 2020.
  3. WebMD. All About Black Seed Oil. Accessed October 1, 2020.