10 Health Trends Every Retailer Should Be Aware Of | Herbal Goodness

Want to know what fitness and health trends are taking the next 3 to 5 years by storm? 

There are five phrases that you can plaster across your refrigerator or write on a sticky note to remind you about what is foremost in most people’s minds:

-       Maximize time

-       Embrace a holistic approach

-       Keep it real (with real ingredients)

-       Don’t compromise

-       Provide a shared experience [1]

People want highly specialized, holistic, uncompromising health provided by a more holistic approach to life, fitness, and eating.

Here are ten trends you can count on to drive current health markets:

1.     Farm to Table Food. This is more than just a trend. Farm-to-table-food is more like a growing revolution. People want to eat local, organically grown produce, and will frequent restaurants that provide food grown by local, sustainable farms and farmers. Farm to table food is seasonal, too, and helps to provide a sense of community to growers, sellers, and the people who enjoy organic delights at their dinner tables. This trend has been growing for years, but will grow even more popular looking forward. [2]

2.     At-Home Fitness. In the interest of saving time, more and more people are turning to home-based fitness. It’s simply more convenient. From Cross Fit programs that allow you to set up Olympic quality training circuits in your garage to companies like Peloton and Flywheel providing real-time studio-lead classes on their home-bikes, or even HIIT workouts you can stream on your TV from YouTube, not being able to get to the gym is no longer an excuse to skip your workout. People want to work out, but when it fits their schedules. While boutique classes are still widely attended, a home fitness set-up is more appealing than ever.[3]

Related: Bamboo Leaves: How To Get Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

3.     Mindfulness Training. In the last 30 years, mindfulness training has experienced a renaissance. With millions looking for ways to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and the demands of life, mindfulness and meditation is more needed than ever – and people realize it. It helps that there have been hundreds of scientific studies proving that mindfulness does everything from boost your mood and memory to lower sick days and boost productivity. [4] [5] [6] [7]

4.     Environmentalism. People concerned with living a more holistic lifestyle are also interested in making sustainable choices for the environment. Are your products or services in line with this sentiment?

5.     Activated Charcoal for Detoxing. There are always trends for detoxing, from using Apple Cider Vinegar, to doing a yogic master cleanse or using papaya extract to help with digestive health, but activated charcoal is all over the place lately, and for good reason. It has been used for centuries to help cleanse the body of toxins, and even save you from poisoning. [8]

6.     Reduction of Chronic Inflammation. More and more people are realizing that chronic inflammation is the source of many deadly diseases, and even depression. [9] [10] Ways to effectively reduce inflammation are highly sought after.  

7.     Promotion of Digestive Health. There are many ways to promote digestive health, and today’s natural health seeker wants to know about them. Awareness about the importance of our gut health and gut flora is on the rise, so providing people with ways to support their microflora will continue to trend.

8.     Reducing Sugar Cravings. With scientific documentation revealing the dangers of sugar on your short term and long term health, people are looking for ways to reduce cravings, minimize sugar, or at least avoid refined, white sugar with options like honey or Stevia. [11]

9.     Functional Beverages (Kombucha, Matcha Green Tea, Green Smoothies, Protein Shakes). In line with ditching the sugar habit of days past, people are now opting for functional beverages instead of sugar-filled sodas. Offer recipes for healthy smoothies, green juices, and other healthy beverages, and you’ll catch a rising tide of folks wanting to know how to drink healthy.

10.  More Plant-Based Eating. A plant-based diet can reduce many health ailments, improve heart health, and cause a lowered incidence of obesity. It’s no wonder more people are turning to a plant-based diet to get healthy. [12] 

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[1] Consumer Lifestyle Trends | Healthy Lifestyle | Kerry Health And Nutrition Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://khni.kerry.com/trends-and-insights/consumer-lifestyle-trends/

[2] Farm-To-Table: It's More Than A Just A Trend. (2017, August 28). Retrieved from https://www.theodysseyonline.com/farm-to-table-more-than-just-trend

[3] Top 5 Health Trends to Watch for in 2018. (2018, January 1). Retrieved from https://styleblueprint.com/everyday/top-5-health-trends-watch-2018/

[4] International Conference on Mindfulness (ICM) 2018. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cmc-ia.org/icm2018amsterdam/

[5] Laneri, D., Schuster, V., Dietsche, B., Jansen, A., Ott, U., & Sommer, J. (2016). Effects of Long-Term Mindfulness Meditation on Brain's White Matter Microstructure and its Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience7. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2015.00254

[6] Bueno, V. F., Kozasa, E. H., Da Silva, M. A., Alves, T. M., Louzã, M. R., & Pompéia, S. (2015). Mindfulness Meditation Improves Mood, Quality of Life, and Attention in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. BioMed Research International2015, 1-14. doi:10.1155/2015/962857

[7] Black, D. S., & Slavich, G. M. (2016). Mindfulness meditation and the immune system: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1373(1), 13-24. doi:10.1111/nyas.12998

[8] Past, Present, Future. (n.d.). Literacy, Media, Technology : Past, Present and Future. doi:10.5040/9781474258029.ch-015

[9] Franceschi, C., & Campisi, J. (2014). Chronic Inflammation (Inflammaging) and Its Potential Contribution to Age-Associated Diseases. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences69(Suppl 1), S4-S9. doi:10.1093/gerona/glu057

[10] Dantzer, R., O'Connor, J. C., Freund, G. G., Johnson, R. W., & Kelley, K. W. (2008). From inflammation to sickness and depression: when the immune system subjugates the brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience9(1), 46-56. doi:10.1038/nrn2297

[11] Corliss, J. (2016, November 30). Eating too much added sugar increases the risk of dying with heart disease - Harvard Health Blog. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/eating-too-much-added-sugar-increases-the-risk-of-dying-with-heart-disease-201402067021

[12] 10 Key Health and Nutrition Trends 2018 | Kerry Health And Nutrition Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://khni.kerry.com/trends-and-insights/ten-key-health-and-nutrition-trends-2018/