How to Use Papaya leaf Extract to Increase Blood Platelet Levels | Herbal Goodness

Papaya is a common fruit, also called “paw-paw”. It is yellowish-orange in color with great taste. Papaya contains loads of vitamins and has amazing benefits.

But what is not known by many is the use of the leaf from the papaya tree. Asides from the fruit, papaya leaves are also loaded with benefits and nutrients. In the form of an extract or juice, the leaves of the papaya tree are quickly gaining importance in the world of nutrition owing to their amazing health benefits.

In this article, you'll get to know the use of papaya leaf to increase blood platelet levels.

Blood Platelets

First, we need to understand the importance of blood platelet levels. The presence of "blood" in the name makes it sound important, but let's look at it in simpler terms.

Blood flows through the arteries and veins, and is what keeps a person alive. This blood contains white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.

Blood platelets are formed in the bone marrow, and simply help to form clots and stop or prevent bleeding when a person has an injury that involves bleeding.

They are colorless blood cells that stop bleeding by coming together to form plugs in blood vessel injuries.

Normal blood platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microlitre of blood. Having less than 150,000 is a condition known as Low Platelet Count. And having more than 450,000 is known as High Platelet Count, which is an uncommon disorder.

You can know your blood platelet count by taking a blood test called a Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A low blood platelet count is common and affects both children and adults. A person's platelet count drops when something is preventing the body from producing platelets or reducing platelets.

Causes range from the use of certain medications and/or high alcohol intake. Low Platelet Count can also be an inherited condition, and not from any of the above possible causes.

Low Platelet Count is very common, and many people need to increase their blood platelet levels.

Platelet count in a person with low blood platelet levels can be increased by blood or platelet transfusion, certain medication or supplements, and the intake of foods that help to increase blood platelet count.

However, the quickest and safest way to increase blood platelet count is through natural means.

Papaya Leaf Extract and Low blood Platelet Count

Together with leafy green vegetables, milk, and iron-rich foods, the papaya leaf extract is very beneficial to increasing blood platelet levels in a person with low platelet count.

Papaya leaves contain acetogenin, a phytochemical that increases the platelet count. Furthermore, papaya leaves contain several antioxidants and health-supporting compounds, including flavonoids and carotenes. These prevent harmful free radicals from causing any damage to your blood cells.

How to Use Papaya Leaf Extract to Increase Blood Platelet Levels

To use papaya leaf extract to increase blood platelet levels, preparation can be done at home. Simply get fresh papaya leaves, wash thoroughly, and cut them into little pieces. Blend or juice leaves and sieve to drink.

Papaya leaf extract is also available as a supplement in pill form and can be gotten from a drug store.


  1. Sinhalagoda et al., (2013). Does Carica papaya leaf-extract increase the platelet count? An experimental study in a murine model.
  2. Ansley Hill (2020). Emerging Benefits and Uses of Papaya Leaf. 
  3. Aanachal Mathur (2021). How To Make Papaya Leaf Juice To Increase Blood Platelets, Improve Digestion And Manage Diabetes.
  4. Times of India (2021). Can papaya leaves increase your platelet count?
  5. Kathrine H et al., (2019). Effect Of Carica Papaya Leaf Extract On Platelet Count In Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Case Series.