WAAW Foundation: Helping Women in Africa | Herbal Goodness

Herbal Goodness understands that education is on a mission to eradicating poverty. Additionally, this healthy living, natural products company knows that education transforms, empowers and offers hope. The fact is, every child, every girl, and every woman has the right to quality education. Yet, globally about 15 million girls may never set foot inside a classroom.1 That doesn't even consider the numbers of African women and girls in Africa who aren't receiving the benefits of Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering and Mathematics (STREM) education, the very education that schools, consumers and employers are increasingly leaning on.

Fortunately, business leaders and socially responsible organizations like Herbal Goodness are heeding the call. It's why Herbal Goodness, founded by Unoma Okorafor, actively partners with Working to Advance STEM Education for African Women (WAAW), a grassroots, forward-thinking, locally engaged nonprofit. Like its peer business, the WAAW Foundation has a vision and a passion to see African girls succeed. In fact, WAAW has already positively impacted the lives of thousands of African girls.

Stem Graduate Scholarships

Founded in 2007 by Unoma Okorafor, a Nigerian native who studied computer at the University of Lagos and earned her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University, WAAW has impacted the lives of 26,000 African women and girls. Furthermore, WAAW has awarded more than 51 scholarships, including stem graduate scholarships, since it began helping women in Africa.

 As many as 298 girls in Africa have participated in the organization's STEM camp. Also, at the postsecondary level, WAAW has trained 450 college fellows. When asked why she started WAAW, Unoma Okorafor shares, "While pursuing my Ph.D., I saw how the world was changing." She continues, "My life's work is to help as many African girls as possible."

 Miriam is a scholarship recipient of the WAAW Foundation. A graduate of WAAW's STEM chapter, Miriam is now helping women in Africa herself. In addition to mentoring girls in Africa who are in secondary school, Miriam works for Herbal Goodness from Nigeria.

Herbal Goodness Supports The WAAW Foundation

It's no surprise that a WAAW Foundation graduate chose Herbal Goodness as her early employer. After all, in addition to being 100% women-owned and women managed, Herbal Goodness gives 10% of its profits to the WAAW Foundation.

Activities and workshops that Herbal Goodness helps to fund for the WAAW Foundation include the Aiivon Innovation Hub session and She Hacks Africa. During these impact events, women in Africa and recipients of STEM graduate scholarships get opportunities to network and engage with business leaders.

Because of Herbal Goodness, WAAW and organizations like Mamamoni Empowerment Foundation, girls and women in Africa are learning how to code. In addition, they are learning about leadership and personal development. Budgeting and finance, web development and cybersecurity are other relevant topics and skills that are covered during WAAW Foundation events. Won't you help an organization that is helping so many others? Click here to donate to WAAW Foundation. (https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/112574644767835624/charity/2128030)

 [Image of Herbal Goodness Moringa Leaves]

 Healthy Living Products Linked to Helping Women in Africa

Unoma Okorafor doesn't say it often. But, behind much of her work is the passion to manage a business like Herbal Goodness that not only manufactures safe, non-GMO products like Papaya Leaf Tea, Graviola Leaf Extract, Papaya seeds, Guava Leaf Tea, Moringa Leaves and Bamboo Leaf Liquid Extract, but to lead a company that sees women as contributors who are critical to a firm's success.

The entire team at Herbal Goodness believes in empowering women. Herbal Goodness believes in women, families and socially conscious leadership. It's why Herbal Goodness only works with farmers in soil tested lands, soil that is 100% non-GMO. After all, quality is part of Herbal Goodness' core values. Organic farmers Herbal Goodness partners with are in areas like Sri Lanka, Japan, and Ecuador, areas with non-GMO soil.

As it does with the girls in Africa and African women, Herbal Goodness develops strong, rewarding relationships with its farmers. The company has even created a scholarship that benefits families of its Sri Lanka farmers.

Furthermore, and in addition to helping women in Africa, Herbal Goodness' core values are manufacturing and quality products, impact, and sustainability. The women-owned and women managed firm also has a strong respect for mother earth, conducts business for social good and empowers women. When you click here to buy safe, quality, non-GMO Herbal Goodness products (https://www.herbalgoodnessco.com/collections/herbal-teas), you support your own healthy living. You also connect with a bigger, life-improving, cause.


  1. Plan International. https://plan-international.org/education/ Accessed February 21, 2020.
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