IG Live: Being A Well-Being Advocate | Herbal Goodness

Once again we were incredibly privileged to have another inspirational guest sharing space with us on our IG Live channel on Saturday the 3rd of April. Khadijah RBZ joined us to talk us through her incredibly valuable knowledge about health, meditation, breathwork and much much more. If you haven’t had the chance to watch the whole interview you can catch the essence of it right here.

Who is Khadijah RBZ?

Khadijah is a health and wellbeing advocate and you can find her on her website khadijahrbz.com or on Instagram using the handle @Khadijahrbz. Khadijah is a meditation guide, cultivating space for busy people to connect to their potential through the power of meditation.

“Tap into the beauty of calmness, relaxation, and focus”

Khadijah not only works as a guide, but also as a teacher, and will give her clients the tools to use themselves in their own personal mediation practices. “Being able to pause and breathe is a huge benefit, that get’s lost in all that we are doing.” Her focus when working as a wellbeing advocate is to support the connection between mind, body, and spirit with her clients. As well as to look for the symmetry within their lives so they can reach balance and peace.

“Walk in the fullness of who you are”

Khadijah feels passionate about doing what you are called to do, what you love to do, and what you are passionate about. She spoke about how much of an amazing impact doing what she loves for a living has had on her life.

Khadijah’s Journey

Khadijah spoke about growing up with her father, a health-conscious man who taught her the benefits of eating clean, and his inquisitive nature inspired her to always search for more. His teaching planted seeds in her which have blossomed in  adulthood through a succession of different events.

Khadijah spoke about how she had had a very stressful job a few years back that was beginning to affect her health and her heart. Having a doctor that knew her and her resistance to turn immediately to medication, she started to recommend
alternative methods to manage the stress.

Her exploration journey involved yoga, meditation, and breath-work to have an outlet to manage the stress.

“Once you begin to explore what you NEED to find you WILL find.”

Her journey has been about being inquisitive, asking the right questions to herself
and others, and following the path that has been laid out for her.

“Do what you are called to do.”

The Move to Costa Rica

Having wanted to live abroad for a long time Khadijah and her family packed up their bags and moved to Costa Rica. The move ended up being spiritually transforming and incredibly vital in her healing process.

Experience with Herbal Goodness

Khadijah’s first introduction to Herbal goodness was with Papaya Leaf Tea that a friend offered her, having loved the tea and being super excited about it being Papaya Leaf she investigated other Herbal Goodness products. Her current favorite is Papaya seed drops which she absolutely adores for their benefits to the gut. 

“We need to be moving emotions, and feelings, we need to keep it moving.”

Khadijah mentioned how her background in psychology has led her to understand the connections between emotional wellbeing and gut health. So the Papaya Seed extract Papaya Seed Extract is a game-changer for her. Mentioning how during a recent cleanse she continued to take this extract and noticed how great it was for assisting bowel movements, as well as higher energy levels.

“Letting go of what no longer serves you.”

She spoke about how when we have a negative experience in our life, instead of dealing with it often we push it to the side, but these experiences accumulate, and they will often manifest in physical pain. She spoke about the importance of being conscious of your random thought processes, and the importance of sitting with your thoughts when they appear in your mind’s eye.

“Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, then think about how you can grow
from this and become a better person.”

Khadijah talked about how no matter how hard it is, always trust your gut, lean into your intuition. Be honest with yourself when you have seen red flags in the past and chosen to ignore them. This work will be challenging she said, due to conditioning we have been subject to.

Khadijah’s work as a coach

Khadijah spoke about how there is no clear path when working with clients, the steps to guide someone will always depend on the individual. Khadijah spoke about how her main role is to question her clients, to ask the unexpected and difficult questions, to push boundaries within her clients, and make them think about things that may even be uncomfortable for growth.

“My main purpose is to ask the questions.”

Staying true to herself she makes it an important part of her coaching to help her clients find the connection between mind, body, and soul.

“We get so caught up in where we want to go that we are not grateful for where we are at.”

She spoke about how every place in our lives serves a purpose, it may be uncomfortable. But we have to work through it all. Navigating the balance between mind, body, and soul, to a point where you can be comfortable. That comes with everyday practice and intentional work.

Intentional Breathing

Khadijah spoke in-depth about intentional breathing. Being conscious of the air coming into your body and being conscious as it passes through you. Shaking off the bad energy and the unnecessary in our lives can really make a big difference, and she gave the example of how dogs will shake off negativity and how we as humans need to find methods to be able to do the same.

“It is easy for stuff to get stagnant, it’s important to be intentional.”

Khadijah’s process

Khadijah explained a little bit about her daily process to us and how she will start the day with intentional breathing whilst in the bed, showing gratitude for her life by smiling. Then she will set intentions for her day.

“Do not overthink the meditation process.”

You don’t need to do something that doesn’t resonate with you. She spoke about how it was important to start small and increase the time at your own pace. Or to try walking meditation and to be conscious of every step you take, and be mindful of your body and your surroundings. Be present to the nature around you, and be conscious of your breath.

“There is nothing that we will experience in this life that is not for our greatest good.”

Khadijah gifted our Herbal Goodness family with a short guided meditation which was absolutely blissful! If you get the chance check out the full interview on our IG live for more inspiration.

“Start where you are.”

Related: Papaya - Fruit Of The Angels | Herbal Goodness